Friday, August 7, 2009

I can’t believe I’m stoked about an 18 mile week

I was able to run four times this week, with today being the longest at 5.1 miles. Knock on wood, the pain in my knee seems to be mostly gone. Normally I would go out and hammer it in celebration, not this time. I’m going to ease my way back in with 4 to 5 days a week and no long runs for the next two weeks. If all goes well, I will start some long runs and a little tempo work.

I took two full weeks off without any running what so ever. I rode my mountain bike, did some core work and started a flexibility/strengthening routine (which I need to continue). I’ve been focusing on the area surrounding my knee by doing some IT Band stretches, foam roller, quad stretches, one legged squats, lunges and the “plank.”

I really need to learn my lesson one of these days. First, TAKE TIME OFF after a long race!

From now on:

Marathon/50K= 1 week no running, 1 week light running

50 Mile= 10-12 days no running, 1 week light running

100k= 2 weeks no running, 1 week light running

100 mile= 3 weeks to a month no running

I always seem to get injured after a long race when I do not allow myself enough recovery time. I know there are plenty of runners that can run two or more ultra’s in a month; I’m not one of them.

Second lesson I need to learn. When I determine I’m injured IMMEDIATELY stop running and attack the injury with ice, anti-inflammatory meds and most importantly exercises designed to increase the flexibility and strength of the area around the injury. I always try and lower my mileage when I get injured and this just prolongs my recovery.

Well hopefully I can proceed on my quest to get into WS100.


  1. Glad to hear you're getting better. I'm anxious to bump up my mileage but it seems like every few weeks, I'm sabotaged by sickness or sea urchins, or nagging injuries. 10k tomorrow - my plan is to cruise at tempo pace and then run an extra coupe miles at the end. Hopefully I don't get caught up in the race...

    Did you see Webb is going to Portland?!? Everyone is moving up there.

  2. How did the race go?

    I hope the best for Webb; it's now or never for him. He isn't getting any younger, plus Leo and Wheating are looking really legit in the 1500m.

  3. The race was tuff. It was on a horse trail up in PV. Lots of rolling hills and the dirt was really loose, not to mention the manure. It went okay considering my fitness level. Bulldog next week...
